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Annual Safety Review

Updated: Jan 23

Can you believe we are into the third month of 2024 already? Where does the time go?! In March, we typically release our Annual Safety Review course. This year is no exception. The course is complete and ready to be assigned to employees.

What is the Annual Safety Review and why might you need it? The Annual Safety Review course is a quick and straightforward way to keep safety at the forefront of your workers’ minds. This year, the course revisits the concepts of WHMIS, workplace violence and harassment, hazard controls, communicable diseases, and investigations. The course is less than 30 slides and includes a final test. While we understand the workplace is busy and has competing priorities, it is imperative to have workers who are competent and confident in how to do their jobs safely. They need to have knowledge of the hazards they are exposed to as well as the controls that are put in place to protect them. The Annual Safety Review does just this and is a great tool to keep safety in mind.

For those who have opted into the Annual Safety Review course, this course has been assigned to all of your employees to complete. You can access this training by logging in to your Systems 24-7 site and selecting the Tracking and Training icon on the left side of the screen. You can also access this training by clicking on the red portion of the training completion icon on your dashboard.

If you have not opted into this training course, not a problem! You have a few options: your Systems 24-7 admin can assign the course to all employees on the system, or if you determine only a portion of your employees require this training, the administrator can also assign the course by category, department, or individually as necessary. Alternatively, you can send us an email at and we can assign the course to your employees on your behalf.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require any assistance assigning or opting into this course!


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