How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.

How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.
Office Closure: We will be closed Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17 for Family Day.

Training that is compliant, convenient, consistent, and cost-effective.

On-site Training
Workplace Inspections and investigations can be tricky. Why not learn from a pro?
There are some instances where a more hands-on approach is required to ensure your workplace programs are operating correctly. This is where we recommend on-site training or coaching. It allows us to work with you in the flesh to ensure your legal compliance, improve your programs, and set you up for success in the future.
On-site training or coaching is just one of the many consulting services we offer. Check out some other key services that may be a good fit for you.

How do they work?
Dunk sends out one of our experienced and knowledgeable professionals to your location to perform the necessary on-site training.
After completing the training, a certificate of participation will be provided to all participants and a record of attendance provided for your business.
On-site Training Topics
Below is a list of our most popular topics. Our professionals can create a custom training session on any topic so if you don't see what you're looking for contact our team.
Accident/Incident Investigation
Who Should Attend: Managers, Supervisors, Health and Safety Reps., Committee Members
It is necessary to examine underlying factors in a chain of events that lead to an accident. An investigation should be conducted by someone experienced in accident causation, experienced in investigative techniques, and fully knowledgeable of the work processes, procedures, persons, and environment of a particular situation. Let us teach you how to effectively perform accident/incident investigations to identify root causes and prevent re-occurrence.
Who Should Attend: Managers/Supervisors
Most organizations need to improve employee productivity in order to grow and improve profitability. True productivity doesn't happen when people are only focusing on the financial or technical issues. The key to return on your employee resource investment is to develop sustainable coaching behaviours to achieve the desired business results. This course will discuss why organizations should coach, what coaching is, what makes coaching different from other forms of mentoring, coaching strategies, and how to be an effective coach.
Who Should Attend: Great for all employees
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a home-based business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Diversity and Inclusion
Who Should Attend: Great for all employees
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Performance Management
Who Should Attend: Managers/Supervisors
Performance management is more than just a performance review or disciplinary action for performance infractions. It is a continuous process used to identify, measure, communicate, develop, coach, and reward employee performance. Applying the fundamentals from this training to your performance management practices will ensure you are setting your employees up for success and providing supporting information for you to make important decisions relating to the overall business success.
RACE: Recognize, Assess, Control and Evaluate Hazard Controls
Who Should Attend: Managers, Supervisors, Health and Safety Reps., Committee Members, Workers
The “recognize, assess and control” method of dealing with hazards is a specialized form of problem-solving. The problem is to anticipate hazards and then take action to prevent injury and illness to people or to control property losses. You may become aware of a hazard in a variety of ways such as voicing a worker's concern, or something noticed during a workplace inspection. It may come to your attention through the Health and Safety Representative or a Joint Health and Safety Committee member, or because of an accident investigation. This module will teach participants to use hazard recognition, assessment, and control principles to deal with all hazards.
Respect in the Workplace
Who Should Attend: Great for all employees
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees/Safety Reps
Who Should Attend: Health and Safety Reps., Committee Members
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under the Occupational Health and Safety Law. This introductory course introduces committee members to their duties and responsibilities, details regarding the roles and functions of the committee, requirements for meetings, and other important steps in establishing an effective committee.
Running An Effective Safety Committee
Who Should Attend: Committee Members (both management and worker reps.)
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This module offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. In addition, participants will gain an understanding of all the requirements of a safety committee including duties and responsibilities, meeting frequency, agendas, minutes and making recommendations.
Supervisor Competency
Who Should Attend: Supervisors/Managers, Employers, Any worker in a supervisory role
It is required, and best practice, that appointed supervisors be competent. Properly training supervisors is part of meeting this requirement. Our Supervisor Competency training offers a unique perspective on the competencies that supervisors require to achieve superior workplace management. Superior workplace management results in greater health and safety within the operation and a better understanding of social responsibility in the workplace. The Supervisor Competency training program outlines the activities, knowledge and skills that are expected to enhance a supervisor’s performance. By providing examples, our course encourages continuous improvement and strives to make a positive difference in supervisory outcomes in today’s workplaces.
Who Should Attend: Workers (specifically those who work with WHMIS and GHS-regulated products and Designated Substances), Committee Members, Health and Safety Representatives
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system with a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs).
As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. The material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Worker Awareness
Who Should Attend: All workers