The winter is creeping closer and closer and we need to be prepared for the changes the winter brings. Colder temperatures and inclement weather wreak havoc on our walkways and roadways. This leads to increases in slip, trip, and fall incidents resulting in bruises, broken bones, and back injuries. Significant falls can also cause serious head injuries or even lead to fatalities.
According to Stats Canada, over 42000 workers are injured annually from slips, trips, and falls. We are all at risk of a slip, trip, or fall. The winter climate exacerbates the risk, with ice, snow, and flash freezes.
Follow these tips to stay safe this winter:
Walk slowly and purposefully, focusing on the path you are walking. Take small steps and remain focused.
Avoid slippery surfaces like wet leaves, ice patches, and snow banks. Avoid untreated paths and shortcuts as these areas will be extra slippery.
Wear footwear appropriate for the job and the weather. Bring an extra pair of shoes to wear indoors, and if the weather will be wet, consider bringing a pair of backup footwear if you will be exposed to cold, wet weather for an extended period of time.
Use handrails, when available. This extra level of stability may prevent an injury from occurring, or reduce the severity if a slip, trip, or fall were to occur.
Be aware of the weather forecast and dress accordingly. Dress in layers and be prepared for changing weather conditions, like rain, sleet, and snow.
Approach entrances with caution. Snow and ice can be tracked into the workplace on footwear, which melts, causing water to pool and mats to become slip-n-slides.
Report any and all slip, trip, and fall hazards. Don’t assume that others will clear the snow, or treat ice with salt, take initiative and report these hazards to prevent others from falling.
Ensure you have proper maintenance and inspections of your eaves troughs and downspouts. Keep an eye on areas that are prone to icicles and have a plan to address them.