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Queen Elizabeth II Living a Life of Servant Leadership

I think what has resonated the most with me, when reflecting on the death of Queen Elizabeth II, was her ability to perfect servant leadership. She led because she served. But she led without compromise, without judgment, and with a smile that we will never forget.

The example she set is that if you want to be a great leader, you must serve, you must listen, and you must hold to your virtues and work with dedication and steadfastness. Is that the leadership in your organization? Perhaps in honouring the Queen we can look within ourselves and ask; What are our virtues? What do we hold as truth and then practice?

During the 10 days of mourning, I heard many positive attributes of the Queen. At the end of the ceremonies, I wrote out what I gathered to be her lived virtues; graciousness, civility, prudence, fortitude, modesty, duty and detachment. Perhaps one would call these “old-school” virtues, but after watching the outpouring of love and support, perhaps it is these virtues that we miss in our society today. When we see it, it is held in high esteem.

How do your managers, supervisors, and leads, serve in your organization? What soft skills does your organization hold as virtuous? When hiring, promoting, and serving clients, do you live your virtues? If you value respect, do you show it when an employee is ill or injured or struggling with a personal event? Is your leadership made of the hardest working employees? How many of us will be able to say we served until the last day of our life?

Well done your majesty, our good and faithful servant. Rest in peace – it is well deserved.


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