Congratulations, you have completed your training and have waited out the 60-day implementation period! So what’s next? It’s time to evaluate. Our evidence submission templates will guide you through this process and today we will focus on the Training Retention portion of the evaluation. This is found within the “What did you learn?” section is “Was training retained by your employees? How do you know this?”

The importance of the training retention is based off of the validators focus and feedback from previous
submissions. Dunk has identified that this is a key indicator of the success of your topic. Employee retention is measured during the evaluation stage. This shows the validator that the employee has learned and retained the knowledge from training sessions.
To successfully measure retention within your workplace, you are required to conduct interviews or surveys with a sample of random employees from different impacted departments. Impacted means those parties that received the majority of the training and are the main individuals responsible to enforce and utilize the components of your topic program. As you must provide proof that training has ben retained, these interviews or surveys must be documented with an exact date, first and lastl name, and position of the employee. This will satisfy the validation for this piece of the evidence submission.
Now the question is how many employees must be interviewed? This number is dependant on the number of employees in your business. WSIB typically wants 20% of the employees to be interviewed or surveyed, however for your submission only 3 to 5 examples are required due to sizing limitations of your submission.
Tips to get you through training retention evidence is:
Your interview or survey must be related to the topic. Questions must be based from your actual initial training. This allows to determine if training is being retained as you are using the actual questions from training. Only use 2 to 3 questions from the specific topic training.
As you interview your staff, it is also important that you interview or survey different employees for each topic(s). This is to show the validators at WSIB that you are ensuring a good sample is being taken of your staff’s knowledge and a broader picture of your overall workforce.
After the interviews or surveys are completed, you need to answer the question at hand – Was the knowledge retained? And “how?” While completing the question ask yourself “do employees understand and follow the procedure?”.
As the goal of this section is to successfully state that training has been retained, those involved in your interviews or surveys must answer their questions right. If staff are not answering the questions correct that is ok, but you must have an action plan to address how you will ensure training is retained.
As with all attachments for your evidence board your file must be PDF or Word Doc. as these are the
only acceptable formats the WSIB accepts. Please be advised that Google docs are not acceptable.
As always, we are here to support you through your journey. Feel free to reach out to us with your questions by phone (1-866-754-8839) or by email (