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Interviews as Evidence

The WSIB validators are looking for pieces of evidence that prove the topics are living and breathing in the workplace. They want to hear from employees themselves that the topic has been entrenched. How are you going to do this? How can you prove to the WSIB the topics are understood and working at your business?

Interviews! Provide the WSIB with a firsthand account of the topic implementation from the perspective of the worker.

Tips for Interviews in the Excellence program:

  • Prepare the questions before the interview.Review the Topic Requirement Guide when preparing your questions.

  • Ask open ended questions. To prove your topics are living and breathing, you aren’t going to be looking for yes or no answers. Encourage the interview participants to elaborate on their answers. For example, instead of using “What is First Aid?” consider “How has your knowledge of the First Aid program changed since we started the Excellence program?”

  • Confirm the employee is comfortable being recorded if you choose to record the interview. Follow your business’s policies and protocols on privacy and if needed, have the employee sign a waiver to confirm they give permission for the recording to be used as evidence.

  • If your employees are not comfortable with a video recording, consider an audio recording. If recordings are not an option in your workplace (technological barriers, unwilling participants, privacy policy constraints, etc.), offer to transcribe the interview with the employee. If possible, enlist an additional employee to help transcribe the conversation.

  • Ensure the location you are filming your interview in is safe and free of hazards. Remember the WSIB will be reviewing the video, ensure you do not capture any unsafe behaviours or actions.

  • Consider recording interviews with multiple employees. By doing this, you will have additional evidence to select from. Pick the evidence you feel best demonstrates the topic is entrenched in your workplace.

When the interview is complete, ensure you record the time, date and participants involved in the interviews. Review the content you now have and select the interviews that you believe will best demonstrate the topic is fully entrenched in your workplace. Keep in mind there is only space on the WSIB to upload 5 items per topic, so ensure what you are uploading is clear, concise, and convincing.

If you need any assistance with preparing for interviews, or have any questions regarding the Excellence program, please reach out to Holly via email at or call us toll free at 1-866-754-8839.


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