April brings a month of change with the transition in weather and seasons from winter to spring. All of these thoughts of change made us think of the changes going on behind the scenes here at Dunk & Associates.
As many of you know, Nancy started Dunk & Associates in 2000 from her small office in the back of her house in the Niagara Region in Ontario. Starting with one client in one province, she expanded the business to serve over 3,500 locations across the provinces and territories of Canada.
Back in January 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nancy made the decision that she wanted to begin her retirement exit strategy. Over the course of the year, Nancy and I were in discussions about how to transition Dunk & Associates while protecting you, our amazing clients and continuing to serve you to the best of our abilities.
During the next eleven months while keeping up with the ever-changing regulations for COVID-19 and meeting your needs, Nancy and I developed a sale plan for Dunk & Associates. We are happy to announce that in December 2020, I officially purchased Dunk & Associates from Nancy and we kicked off her 5 year exit strategy.
I know many of you know and have worked with me over the years; but for those of you that don’t know me, I’d like to introduce myself. I am Brian Dunk; only son to Nancy Dunk and I have been working within Dunk behind the scenes since the very beginning. Over the years I’ve done it all: starting with internal support tasks to technical support before landing as Director of Technology for the past 6 years, before purchasing Dunk & Associates.
While Nancy’s background is in Health & Safety with expertise in Health Care; my background is in Technological systems & Cyber Security. Although there is a difference in our backgrounds, we are remaining on our current development roadmap and also expanding into new fields to better assist you.
To keep you as excited about the upcoming items from Dunk & Associates, here is a quick recap of what was launched in 2021 & Q1 of 2022:
COVID-19 Screening Tool Questionnaire Customization (January 2021)
COVID-19 Screening Reports (January 2021)
New Course: Workplace Violence Harassment CLC (February 2021)
New Email Template: Survey Reminders (February 2021)
New Admin Tool: Import Library View/Sign Off (February 2021)
New Admin Tool: Import Survey Completion (February 2021)
New Admin Tool: Import Monthly Talk Completion (February 2021)
New Course: Claims Management (March 2021)
New Admin Tool: Course Expiry Cycle (March 2021)
New Course: Looking at the Act (June 2021)
Admin Menu Design Update (June 2021)
New Course: COVID-19 and Vaccination (July 2021)
Migration of Servers to Azure (July 2021)
New Course: Computer Security and Internet Safety (August 2021)
New Course: Cyber Security Basic Training (August 2021)
New Course: Drone Basics (August 2021)
New Course: Email Etiquette (August 2021)
New Course: Phishing Awareness (August 2021)
New Course: Understanding Viruses, Trojans and Worms (August 2021)
New Course: Understanding your Computer Hardware (August 2021)
Ability for sites to have multiple domains and themes (August 2021)
New Email Template: Survey Added (September 2021)
New Email Template: Survey Response (September 2021)
New Admin Tool: Ability to Upload SCORM-based training (October 2021)
New Configuration Setting: Ability to disable the accessible test/quiz tooltips in courses (October 2021)
Update to Add/Edit Employees and My Profile Pages (November 2021)
New Email Template: Library Resource Next Review Date (December 2021)
Update to all assignment tools (profile training, libraries, surveys and monthly talks) to allow assignment to new hires based on hire date (December 2021)
Update to edit company training profile so training can be assigned to specific employees (December 2021)
New Course: Impairment in the Workplace (January 2022)
New Course: Silica Awareness (January 2022)
New Course: Annual Safety Review (February 2022)
Although we have completed our first year of Nancy’s five year retirement plan; our dedication and services to you, our clients will not waiver. Want to chat? Feel free to give me a call to discuss the changes within Dunk & Associates and how we can better serve you.
Thank you,
Brian Dunk