How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.
How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.
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Conducting and Maintaining Hazard/Risk Assessments
Recorded: May 16, 2024
Hazard/risk assessments are a legal requirement that are often ignored, forgotten, or avoided. While a well-done assessment can be time-consuming to create, they provide a huge benefit to your organization in identifying hazards and implementing controls which protect your workers. You are responsible for reviewing and updating them on a regular basis as your health and safety program is constantly evolving. In this webinar, we will teach you how to create and maintain hazard assessments and how to use them in your workplace.
Breaking the Stigma (Mental Health)
Recorded: March 20, 2024
There is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental health which can create very toxic or unsafe environments for those suffering from mental health disorders. This webinar will explore types of stigmas and their harmful effects. We will then discuss what you can do in your workplaces and how to address stigmas and reduce the toxicity.
H&S Communication and Training
Recorded: January 17, 2024
Is your health and safety program stuck on dial-up? Are your updates as slow and unread as snail mail? Join us as we discuss how to bring your health and safety training and communication into 2024. Make sure you are following all your requirements. One-time communication or only doing online training is not enough!
Wrap it up! Our Year in Review
Recorded: December 20, 2023
Let's join together and review the successes from the year. What lessons have we learned? What takeaways can we bring forward to the New Year? December is always a great time to reflect on your programs and EVALUATE. Let's discuss why the evaluation step keeps the wheels of your program moving and how we can review our programs and make improvements.
Internal Health and Safety Auditing
Recorded: November 15, 2023
Interested in starting an internal auditing program? Dunk has created a simple plan for internal auditing that any employer can use for Health & Safety. What you don’t know can harm your business. Is your safety program meeting legal compliance? Do you have the documentation needed to defend your company in a court of law? What and where are your deficiencies? Learn how to action deficiencies and create plans for improvements. Auditing is a skill set, come and see!
Statement of Ability, What's Your Employee Capable of?
Recorded: October 18, 2023
Dunk explores a new idea on determining your employee’s abilities. Physical, psychological and their needs. What can I ask, what can I require of my employees? Can they lift, push, carry and deal with the demands of the job. How do I ask and when must I accommodate? What are the risks in asking these questions? Join the discussion with Dunk!
Communicable Disease and Illness
Recorded: September 20, 2023
Here we go again, runny nose, cough and what else season! We have been battling for years and now we need to ensure we have a program that sticks and prevents the spread of infection. Lessons have been learned and we want to ensure we keep in place the controls needed. What does this look like? What do we need and how do we evaluate for effectiveness? This is not a healthcare session; this is a workplace prevention discussion – join us and keep those germs in check!
Challenging Injury Claims
Recorded: June 21, 2023
Have a workplace claim you can’t verify? Suspect the injury as non-work related? Can’t get the employee back to work and you don’t know what to do next? We all face challenging claims and sometimes need some help. This webinar will provide insight and actions you can take to help manage challenging claims. You are not alone; Dunk is here to help you find a successful way forward.
Writing an Investigation Report
Recorded: May 17, 2023
What should be in your report and what do you keep to the side? What happens to the notes of the investigation? What do you share and with whom? Investigations are not as easy as they sound and we must keep it simple but truthful. During this webinar, we will instruct on good report writing and provide templates and examples for your next investigation.
Security in Online Programs and Life Cycle
Posted: April 19, 2023
There are many best practices that we should follow when it comes to online security – but what if they are more than just best practices? In 2023, online security shouldn’t just be “something nice to do”, it should be a priority both personally, and as a business. Join us as we discuss security in online programs and the life cycle of hosting web applications. We’ll learn how websites really work. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be techy to understand this webinar – this is for everyone!
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Workplace Harassment: Why the Increase in Incidents?
Recorded: March 15, 2023
Workplace harassment incidents are increasing and we want to explore why. Are your zero-tolerance policies working? How do you handle the increase? Feeling frustrated and concerned with workplace culture; you are not alone. Dunk has some ideas, join us for an honest conversation on what we can and should do.
An OHS Compliance Officer shows up at your door... what now?
Recorded: February 15, 2023
Learn how to handle a Ministry visit, how to respond and hints and tips on dealing effectively with an inspector. Give the facts, cut that chit-chat, and only answer what is asked! Want to learn more? Watch the replay and get prepared for your next visit.
Ready, Set, Go
Recorded: January 18, 2023
January is the month to set up and plan your year in Safety. From required postings to annual training obligations, learn what you must do, what you should do, and what not to do when running a safety program. Often employers overtrain, have policies that are not meaningful and miss required postings, reviews, and signoffs. Come learn what to do, when and how!
Fall Prevention and Consequences for Non-Compliance
Recorded: November 16, 2022
Tis the season for slips, trips and falls. Why? This webinar explores ways to prevent falls and then how to deal with non-compliance by employees to the hazard controls put in place. Footwear will be a big topic of discussion as well as handrails, pathways and walkways. Time to tackle the ongoing problem and reduce the risk of falls. Are you with us? Want to engage with a group of like-minded people? Join us and our professional team as we strengthen our resolve to prevent falls, prevent injury and the impact on our employees and business. Stay upright and safe this winter!
Fire Safety at Home and at Work
Recorded: October 19, 2022
Safe at home, safe at work - a mindset change. When we move our belief of "safety first" to our home or from our home to our workplace it becomes a win/win. This is when we start to change behaviours. This webinar helps workplaces create a bridge that stretches from home to work. There are many reasons for this bridge but we think the most important reason is the safety and well-being of all whose life we touch. Fire safety is a "hot topic", (yes we use humour) and in this webinar we provide you with tools and ideas on how to keep everyone safe and prevent fires.
Tech Talk - What is New and What is Scary!
Recorded: September 21, 2022
Exciting new gadgets, tech tools and programs will be reviewed, and of course you will learn some scary facts about technology! Ensure the safety of your data, privacy and programs with wise tech decisions. Do we have stories to tell you! Don't let technology scare you, learn to use it safely and how to ask the right questions before purchasing. Get free trials, best pricing and some professional advice on technology from the Dunk IT team on this webinar. Let your tech make your business stronger, more productive and safe!
Heat Stress and the Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
Recorded: June 15, 2022
Oh, is it hot! Got to go home, too hot to work! STOP, there is a procedure and a process to be followed. This topic is about providing you with tools and resources needed and showing you how to use them. Leave this webinar armed with what you need to get your workplace through the upcoming hot summer. Learn how to measure when hot and humid is too hot, put the controls in place to prevent heat exhaustion and stroke, and learn how to handle a work refusal as it relates to heat stress. Don't get exhausted, we've got you covered!
Human Rights and Your Obligations
Recorded: May 18, 2022
Confused by what are considered protected rights? Not sure what you can ask a new hire? Being accused of violating some one's human rights is incredibly stressful. Knowledge of those rights and how to protect them is your best defense. Documentation of why certain decisions were made tell the story of your mindset at the time. Avoid frivolous cases and stressful accusations by educating yourself on human rights and your obligations.
Workplace Inspection Training
Recorded: April 20, 2022
Inspect to correct - that is the theme of this webinar! Are your workplace inspections contributing to the identification of hazards, identifying needed controls and ensuring safe behaviours? The process of "inspect to correct" is a shared responsibility by everyone and should be part of each task we undertake; including walking in from the parking lot. Yes, there are formal inspections but are you missing the most important inspections for your workplace? Come and see!
Workplace Harassment Investigation Training
Recorded: March 16, 2022
Is it time for training in your workplace or do you need a refresher on workplace harassment? We are offering a 1 hour training webinar for your workplace. Defining harassment, identifying where the hazard exists, assessing the risk in your workplace, and the application of controls where it cannot be eliminated. Together we will explore the challenges we all face and offer some tools, hints and tips on successfully controlling harassment in your workplace.
Onboarding, Orientation
Recorded: February 16, 2022
New hires, young workers and returning workers all need the skills to be safe and do their job well. A one or two day orientation dump is not effective. Learn how to successfully onboard employees and coach them to succeed. Retention of employees begins at orientation and the confidence your new hires gain through orientation makes them an asset to your organization in the first few weeks. Don't waste your time and $$$ on a slam-bam orientation, join us and learn how to offer a meaningful, effective orientation program.
Accommodations, Return to Work
Recorded: January 19, 2022
Return to Work, need for accommodations, work hardening, work conditioning - so many terms and a great deal of misinformation. What are the legal requirements for your workplace? How do you know what is needed, what you can offer and how to deal with non-cooperation. Join us and discuss the barriers to a successful program and grab a few tips and helpful tools as well!
Learning Systems 24-7: How to Make Your Platform Engaging
Recorded: January 5, 2022
Have you ever wondered how you can make Systems 24-7 more engaging for your employees? Join us on Wednesday, January 5th and learn how to create an effective management system. Use 2022 to refresh your Systems 24-7 program and make it more exciting. Systems 24-7 has many features and user friendly tools; let's learn together! We’ll review how to turn on new features and services on your site, create engaging dashboards, add items to the library, and more! Let’s make it fun. The platform isn’t just for policies and training. Why not upload an employee cookbook or give virtual “high fives” for achievement? The sky is the limit!
Feeling Secure in a Digital World
Recorded: December 15, 2021
More and more programs are moving to online-based solutions. Our banking is now done online, ordering groceries, shopping for Christmas presents, and more. Do you know the things to look for to keep yourself secure? Join this interactive webinar to discover how you can get secure in a digital world. Be prepared to engage through activities and polls and bring a long some of your pressing questions! Everyone is invited to join. These are skills which can be used both at work and at home.
Healthy Me, Healthy You
Recorded: November 17, 2021
Have you ever heard us talk about the "ripple effect"? How changing one thing can often change tens of others, and even ones you didn't even know would be impacted? How does getting healthy (whatever that definition means to you) encourage others around us to be healthy. A smile might be contagious, and so is good health.
Lead by Example; Be the Coach You Wish You Had
Recorded: October 20, 2021
Have you ever had that one really great coach or mentor who was just able to push you to that next level? If not, have you ever watched a Ted Talk to an interview and just drank the words that the person was saying? Not all of us are great public speakers, but we all have our own unique and hidden talents. That's what makes us amazing. How do we pull from this to inspire and motivate others? How can we lead by example and be the coach we wish had? Why is this this important? Can't someone else do it? Save your spot and discover why we all need to be better coaches.
Récalamations 101 (NATIONAL) - Français
Recorded: September 21, 2021
Ce webinaire animé par Dunk & Associés vous en apprendra plus sur la gestion efficace des réclamations. Nous discuterons des meilleures pratiques et aborderons des scénarios de cas spécifiques pour vous permettre de développer vos compétences. Quels sont vos rôles et responsabilités? Comment fonctionne un programme efficace de gestion des réclamations? Quelles informations pouvez-vous tirer de chacune des réclamations? Le contenu s'applique à toutes les provinces/territoires. Vous aurez également l’occasion d’échanger et de poser toutes vos questions.
Infection, Prevention and Control
Recorded: September 15, 2021
When SARS and H1N1 hit, many thought we'd seen the worst of it. But nothing could have prepared us for the COVID-19 pandemic last year. For those that weren't in healthcare or food services, the words "infection prevention" were probably rarely heard. The reality is, EVERYONE needs a good infection prevention and control program. Whether COVID-19 sticks around or disappears, there are always risks of infection in the workplace. One uncovered sneeze during flu season can set your workplace into a spiraling chain of absenteeism. What are the lessons we've learned and the take-aways needed? Let's prepare now so we don't get caught in the dark again.
Financial Well-Being
Recorded: August 18, 2021
As employers, we often have access to a whole channel of information and resources when it comes to financial health. We talk to accountants, banks, and other professionals about forecasting, investments and more. But with this treasure-trove of information, do we ever share it? How is financial well-being related to safety and "healthy" employees. Why is Dunk talking about this? Well, do you have a lot to learn...and start sharing.
Racking, Stacking and Storage
Recorded: July 21, 2021
A lack of storage or a disorganized storage system is a common problem in many workplaces. Have you ever walked into a stock room or closet to see a mess of the shelves? This isn't just an organizational nightmare, it's also a huge health and safety risk. The number of times we've witnessed homemade solutions that are actually unsafe is frightening. What can we do to fix this? Join this webinar and let's racking our brains and safely stacking our materials.
Breathing Well at Work
Recorded: June 16, 2021
This is a topic that covers many important areas, like health and safety and wellness. When people start to experience shortness of breath, they typically start to avoid all the activities that cause them discomfort, rather than asking the question WHY. Why aren't we breathing well? Is it something in the air at work, is it something medical like asthma, or could it even be stress? While avoiding activity might seem like the solution, does it actually make it worse? Take a deep breath...and let's get talking.
Identity Theft and Security
Recorded: May 19, 2021
The year is 2021….(cue the sci-fi movie music). Cars are not yet flying, but information is flying faster than the speed of light. But let's get serious. We're in a time where information changes so rapidly that it is becoming hard to stay up to date. Scammers and hackers are getting more and more creative in finding ways to steal our personal information. How do we protect our identity? Is what we innocently share on the internet harmful? What do we do as business owners, employers, and everyday people to protect our security?
Effective Orientation Programs
Recorded: April 21, 2021
I am sure we could all share a horror story or two about the first day on the job. Was training completely washed over, did they not tell us about our rights? We know that one of the most at-risk groups for injury in the workplace are new workers. So, what are the common areas of concern and what can we be doing better when it comes to orientation?
Gestion des Réclamations - Français
Recorded: March 23, 2021
Pendant notre webinaire, nous discutons des meilleures pratiques, des suggestions et des scénarios de cas spécifiques pour permettre à chaque participant de développer ses compétences en gestion des réclamations. Quels sont vos rôles et responsabilités, comment fonctionne un programme efficace de gestion des réclamations et que pouvons-nous apprendre de chaque soumission ? Nous offrons une opportunité de discussion et de conversation.
Successfully Working from Home
Recorded: March 17, 2021
There is a huge difference between working independently and working remotely from home. Working from home is not always for everyone, so how can you be successful without getting distracted?
The End of Racism – Open Wide Your Hearts
Recorded: February 17, 2021
BLM sparked a huge social movement in 2020. What lessons can we take from last year to continue to learn and move forward? Let's open wide our hearts and put an end to racism.
How to Discipline Effectively
Recorded: January 20, 2021
Discipline should not simply be “writing up” an employee when an infraction has been made. The purpose of discipline is to correct behaviour, not to punish or embarrass. Communication, coaching and mentoring may resolve issues without having to discipline employees, but if unacceptable behaviour is a persistent problem or if the employee is involved in misconduct that cannot be tolerated, discipline should be used to help correct the problem.
Culture Creatures
Recorded: December 16, 2020
A fun look at workplace culture and the creatures we are at work. Dunk will share some of our learnings in 2020 and what we are working on for 2021 to help your workplace culture.
Compliance vs. Culture: Shifting from Strict Rules to a Culture of Using Good Judgement
Recorded: December 8, 2020
Is your workplace all about the rules? Do you have a policy for every single scenario that could possibly occur in the workplace? It is impossible to try and control absolutely everything in the workplace with a policy or memo. At some point enough is enough, and we need to work on changing our culture to one where employees are able to use good judgement and not have to worry about every aspect of their days being control by policies. Join us as we discuss how to start this culture change in our workplaces.
Wrap It Up for Safety! End Your Year with an Overview of Safety
Recorded: November 18, 2020
As the end of year is in sight, a good time to evaluate your safety journey in 2020. There are things that you will want to celebrate, and some corrections to be made. Learn how to identify trends, make improvements and move forward in 2021!
Never Too Early to Plan for Winter
Recorded: October 21, 2020
Last year it came early and then it was a rock and roll kind of winter. In 2020, we want to get a really early start on ordering salt, planning and making some changes to reduce the risk of winter injuries. From cold stress, to sanding, shoveling and lighting - let's prepare for winter!
WSIB Claims and Pandemic Education
Recorded: October 14, 2020
During our webinar we discuss best practices, suggestions and specific case scenarios to allow each participant to build their skills when managing claims. What are your roles and responsibilities, how does an effective claims management program work and what can we learn from each submission? We provide an opportunity for discussion and conversation.
Claims Conversation: Claims 101 Modified Duties and RTW
Recorded: October 13, 2020
During our webinars we discuss best practices, suggestions and specific case scenarios to allow each participant to build their skills when managing claims. What are your roles and responsibilities, how does an effective claims management program work and what can we learn from each submission? We provide an opportunity for discussion and conversation.
Supervising Field Staff and Remote Workers
Recorded: September 16, 2020
How do you effectively supervise employees who are field staff or remote workers? It is certainly a challenge. What technology and tools can be utilized to ensure that productivity and safety is being optimized for workers who are not all in the same building? It is difficult to herd kittens, and sometimes that is what having virtual employees, field staff, and distant worksites is like. Working alone poses many risks and supervision is not easily achieved. Join us this month as we confront the challenges of supervision at a distance.
What is Undue Hardship
Recorded: September 8, 2020
My employee hurts themselves outside of work, do I need to accommodate their modified duties? What if I don’t have any other work for them? If they have kids, do I have to change the employee's hours if they ask? What is considered undue hardship when it comes to accommodating employees under Human Rights Legislation? Join us to learn what your responsibilities are when it comes to accommodation and how high of a threshold "undue hardship" actually is.
Pre-Use Inspections
Recorded: August 19, 2020
When are pre-use inspections required? What records are needed? Who can perform, and what do I need to ensure is being checked? What happens when a deficiency is found. Is there an easier way? Join us for this webinar and get the answers to these questions and more.
Demonstrating Competency in OHS
Recorded: July 22, 2020
The courts, our clients, legislation and our workplaces require that we have persons competent in health and safety, but what does that mean in practical, everyday operations? Are our operators, labour force, supervisors and contractors competent? Do you hire a certain level of employees and contractors because you need their expertise and assume competencies? Is that enough?
Claims Conversation: Claims 101
Recorded: July 14, 2020
During our webinar we discuss best practices, suggestions and specific case scenarios to allow each participant to build their skills when managing claims. What are your roles and responsibilities, how does an effective claims management program work and what can we learn from each submission? We provide an opportunity for discussion and conversation.
Bugs, Critters, Bears and More!
Recorded: June 17, 2020
We need to ensure we recognize the creatures that impact our workplace and how to ensure they are not a danger or nuisance to our business. This webinar takes a look at the critters who impact our business, and what we can do about them.
Managing Workload
Recorded: June 9, 2020
Managing workload can be hard in this fast paced world we live in. How do you keep up with competing priorities? On top of that, supervisors and managers sometimes find themselves facing accusations of harassment, when in fact they were merely directing the work of employees. How can you be more effective in managing workload and directing work? Join us and learn a few tricks and improve your delivery and approach.
Safety Committee and Safety Rep. Training for COVID-19
Recorded: May 27, 2020
Operating during COVID-19 requires your Safety Committee and Safety Representatives to play an active role through inspections, identification of exposure potentials, new hazards associated with COVID-19, investigations, work refusals and consultation on needed controls. Dunk & Associates hosted a 90-minute webinar to assist your Safety Committee and Representatives in understanding their role and responsibility.
This new virus that threatens our world is now a known risk in every workplace and our best line of defense is a strong internal responsibility system. We have all been tasked with preventing the spread and in order for our business to be sustainable, we need to ensure we have the skills, understanding and tools to keep our employees, clients, customers, and workplaces safe. This takes training, conversations, and collaboration of all workplace parties.
Worker Participation in Safety
Recorded: May 20, 2020
Understanding your role in health and safety is important, but actually participating in your workplace safety program - now that is new! We all have the right to participate, but how many employees are actually engaged in your safety program? Let's talk and find out ways to increase worker participation and make Canada Safe!
Internal First Responders
Recorded: April 16, 2020
Need help with your First Aid program, has your emergency response program become stagnant? Come join Dunk & Associates as we help you energize your workplace with a new idea! Discuss the need to create a respectful, meaningful program in your workplace for when an emergency occurs.
Claims Conversations: Claims 101
Recorded: April 7, 2020
During our webinar we discuss best practices, suggestions and specific case scenarios to allow each participant to build their skills when managing claims. What are your roles and responsibilities, how does an effective claims management program work and what can we learn from each submission? We provide an opportunity for discussion and conversation.
Dealing with Contractors
Recorded: March 18, 2020
As employers, dealing with contractors can be complicated. In this 50-minute webinar, we will give you an overview of hiring contractors in the workplace and the various roles and responsibilities of the contractor and the employer. We will even provide you with a checklist to review and assist you with your protection.
Afraid to Discipline? Don't Like Confrontation?
Recorded: March 10, 2020
In this 50-minute webinar, we will assist workplaces in learning how to have a constructive, fruitful conversation, without discipline. Coaching, mentoring and consequences needs to be the dialogue. Join us and get a few tips on how to move away from discipline and confrontation and towards a more impactful conversation.
Stop the Bully!
Recorded: February 19, 2020
Do you ever look around your workplace and feel like you’re right back to being twelve years old, when the kids at the back of the bus are snickering some inside joke at someone else’s expense? Join this 50-minute webinar and learn how to stop the person(s) who harass, demean, gossip, isolate, and toxify your workplace. It’s time to put it to put the snickering to a stop.
Starting the Year with Leadership
Recorded: January 15, 2020
Successful health and safety programs are managed from the “top-down”. It’s your leadership that makes the difference. All too often employers and senior managers do not fully comprehend their personal risk, liability, and accountability. This 50-minute webinar will provide information on what your senior management, ownership and leaders need to do to protect themselves and your business. Join us and learn the strategies to be an informed leader.
Claims Conversation: Claims 101
Recorded: January 7, 2020
During our webinar, we discuss best practices, suggestions and specific case scenarios to allow each participant to build their skills when managing claims. What are your roles and responsibilities, how does an effective claims management program work and what can we learn from each submission? We provide an opportunity for discussion and conversation.
Get a New Job - Professional Development
Recorded: October 8, 2019
We all know about dealing with work stress, job demands and employee burnout. But, when is it time to say, “maybe this type of job just isn’t for you”? Sometimes we have employees who got into a particular job or field because they thought they would like it, but in reality, they don’t like the tasks, can’t cope with certain aspects, or could be doing so much more. This session is going to explore these types of situations and how to go about having a professional development conversation with your employees. Do they have skills that can be worked on to get them to the next level in your company? Do they have transferrable skills that might be better suited to a different job altogether?
Dealing with Marijuana in the Workplace
Recorded: July 9, 2019
Are you sick of talking about this yet? It has been almost a year since Marijuana became legal and some employers and employees are still struggling to wrap their head around how to handle it in the workplace. This session will discuss the responsibilities of all workplace parties, dealing with fit for duty, and when accommodations are needed.
Dealing with Difficult Conversations
Recorded: April 9, 2019
There are a lot of unpleasant things that managers and employers have to deal with in the workplace, but avoiding them does not make them go away. Often it makes the situation much worse. This session will teach supervisors, managers and employers how to deal with situations head on and have the difficult conversations with their workers. We will address scenarios such as: when an employee is unfit for duty, when you suspect someone is experiencing mental health issues, or talking to an employee who has experienced the loss of a loved one.
Claims Conversation: Roles of an Investigation
Recorded: November 12, 2019
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Claims Conversation: How to Write an Objection Letter
Recorded: August 13, 2019
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Claims Conversation: Stress Claims Easily Explained
Recorded: May 7, 2019