Thank you to all who attended our mandatory Guidance & Instruction webinar on February 2nd. It was great to have the group together to share ideas! If you were unable to attend, please make sure you watch the recording found on the Dunk Excellence Portal. Don’t forget to send us an email with the date viewed and your information as we are tracking attendance for the webinar.
As participation is always encouraged, along with the sharing of best practices, we are providing you with the suggestions from participating members with winter safety tips. Yes it’s March, and winter is in it’s final stages (hopefully), but one last push for safety could result in one less incident.
Here’s what our members shared with us:
Salt walkways – As warmer temperatures occur during the day and then cool off at night, there is an increased risk of ice forming. Salting walkways reduces those slips, trips and falls.
Keep a small shovel and traction aid in the car – You never know if/when you’ll be in the ditch. Having a shovel and some kind of traction aid (i.e. kitty litter, sand bag, etc.) may help you to get out.
Walk like a penguin to prevent slips, trips and falls – Keeping contact on slippery surfaces reduces your chances of slipping.
Clear all the snow off your vehicle before driving – It reduces visibility and flying chunks of ice could cause a serious accident. Be respectful of others on the road and clear off your vehicles.
Ensure your vehicle is full of gas in case of an emergency – You never know when you’ll need it.
Plan your drive according to the weather – Check the weather forecast before you go; not just where you begin and where you end up, but also the locations in between. This will keep you aware of the conditions you might face and plan accordingly to allow enough time to reach your destination safely. See snow, go slow! Remember if the roads get too bad, it’s not worth your life. Plan on having a place to stay.
Get out of the vehicle with both feet down at the same time – This will reduce the chances of slipping.
Always keep extra windshield washer fluid on hand – You never know when you will get stuck behind a tractor trailer kicking up salt and sand. This will wipe out your windshield wiper fluid quickly.
Use snow tires – This will increase traction is snowy conditions and may help prevent accidents.
Get a boot tray for melting snow from boots or ensure the entrance way where snowy boots are stored are clean and dry – This will reduce the chance of slipping on melt water inside your workplace.
Thank you to all our members who shared these safety tips. We look forward to seeing you on May 4th for our next Guidance and Instruction Webinar. Don’t forget to register by clicking on the link below: