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Recent WSIB Updates to HSEp Resources

As you may recall from many conversations with Dunk throughout your Health and Safety Excellence program (HSEp) journey, we have referenced the WSIB Excellence Program Member Guidelines. This was a large 102 page document providing you with all you needed to keep up to date with the program, including topic requirements.

Thanks to feedback provided to the WSIB by HSEp members, a change was made to the delivery of the program to focus more on the specific step in the program you are working on. WSIB has broken the Member Guidelines out into 4 mini-guides (Join, Develop, Demonstrate, and Achieve) and a Health and Safety Topic Guide for topic requirements.

While there has not been any changes to program requirements, WSIB’s series of just-in-time, plain language mini-guides will make program information accessible and available in multiple formats (print and video) while ensuring consistency to eliminate the risk of members' change fatigue. Although these mini-guides contain a high-level overview of the program, they focus on the steps in the process (Join, Develop, Demonstrate, and Achieve), they do not capture the implementation model that we use at Dunk (the 5 steps: standard, communicate, train, evaluate, and acknowledge successes and improvements). The mini-guides are available in the resource section of the WSIB Digital Portal and we have also posted them on the Dunk Excellence Portal in the WSIB Guides section on the left-hand side menu.

In addition to the new mini-guides, WSIB is also hosting voluntary webinars for each of the steps, both live and recorded. An email was sent out to all members by the WSIB with the webinar schedule and where to register and access the recordings.

We have been getting inquires as to if these webinars are mandatory and should be attended. These webinars are voluntary and will provide you with a high-level overview of the program. They do not provide you with how Dunk & Associates implements the HSEp as a provider nor the resources Dunk has created to assist you through your HSEp journey. The host of these webinars have done a great job in stating that the provider has the final say in the program implementation and will refer you to your provider if there is any confusion or discrepancies between their communication and ours. These webinars are not meant to replace the mandatory Dunk Guidance & Instruction webinars that are held quarterly. All members still MUST attend these or watch the recordings if unable to attend in order to get up to date information and guidance on the HSEp.

Another initiative the WSIB has implemented is WSIB Care Calls. These calls are hosted by the validation team to see how things are progressing on your HSEp journey. They will ask for feedback on the process in order improve the program, answer questions you may have, as well as checking in on how things are going from your side. It is important to note that what is said in these calls does not override Dunk & Associates direction on the implementation of the program. When in doubt reach out to Dunk and we can help clarify the direction.


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