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Resolutions are Good for Business

January means a time of planning for the new year and setting out goals and objectives. In 2023, we suggest adding some New Year Resolutions for your company. Making commitments to each other, your clients, visitors and staff on your services, gratitude, and deliverables. Whether on a construction site, in a retail store, a hospital, car wash or working the farm, we can all set resolutions for our workplaces.

For example:

In 2023 we resolve to express gratitude. Each month we will recognize two employees, one for outstanding performance/service and the other for their steadfastness and consistency of a job well done (the unsung hero). Once a month we will have a customer/client appreciation day with prizes and discounts on services. Watch our social media channels to learn more!

Simple, meaningful, and positive; that is what your workplace resolutions can be. The key is to work on your resolution each month. You are not out to change the world, but to impact your little space in it.

Want something more safety-related? Try housekeeping. Resolve to organize and tidy your workplace. Order and structure really settle the mind and leaves us all with a sense of accomplishment.

For example:

In January, we are focusing on desks and office spaces. Don’t have a designated desk, then help the supervisor/manager in their office.

February is clean that closet month – we will tackle every storage closet in the building (or in our home office). Using totes, baskets and shelving – we will get the organization we need.

March is pathway month! All walking pathways to be cleared and protected from future clutter and hazards.

Etc., etc…. you get the picture.

Give it some thought! Can you make workplace resolutions that have a year long lasting impact? No harm in trying! Check back in December and see how you did! Happy New Year and set those resolutions!


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