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Dunk & Associates Systems 24-7 Logo
Primary and Accent Colours


Colour is a key element of the Dunk & Associates corporate identity. A consistently applied colour scheme is vital to presenting a solid and lasting image to our customers, employees and business partners.


Approved Dunk & Associates, Systems 24-7 primary colours are:

  • Systems 24-7 Orange – Hex #f7941d

  • Systems 24-7 Blue – Hex #0b74bb

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 primary orange

CMYK: 0, 50, 100, 0

RGB: 247, 148, 29

Hex #f7941d

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 primary blue

CMYK: 87, 51, 0, 0

RGB: 11, 116, 187

Hex #0b74bb

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 black

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

RGB: 35, 31, 32

Hex #231f20

Approved Complimentary Colours in our Symbol


These colours were selected based on their ability to coordinate and complement Dunk & Associates, Systems 24-7 primary colours. When commissioned for marketing and advertising work, give preference to this palette for use in backgrounds, headlines, borders, etc. Not only will this help ensure the aesthetic quality and visibility of your marketing materials, you will be helping to strengthen the Dunk & Associates, Systems 24-7 brand in the competitive marketplace.

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 orange

CMYK: 0, 80, 100, 0

RGB: 241, 90, 34

Hex #f15a22

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 purple

CMYK: 50, 100, 0, 0

RGB: 146, 39, 143

Hex #92278f

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 green

CMYK: 75, 0, 100, 0

RGB: 57, 181, 74

Hex #39b54a

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 teal

CMYK: 79, 10, 45, 0

RGB: 0, 168, 157

Hex #00a89d

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 yellow

CMYK: 0, 39, 100, 0

RGB: 250, 168, 25

Hex #faa819

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 blue

CMYK: 100, 100, 0, 0

RGB: 46, 49, 146

Hex #2e3192

Dunk & Associates/Systems 24-7 red

CMYK: 0, 100, 80, 0

RGB: 237, 26, 59

Hex #ed1a3b

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